Building Healthy Communities

The Health Promotion Center of Glens Falls Hospital works to improve the health and well-being of the people and communities in our region. Our present work focuses on strategies to make it easier for people to eat well, be tobacco-free, be physically active and obtain preventative care.

This work is currently supported through grant-funded initiatives housed within the Health Promotion Center, including Creating Healthy Schools and Communities, Health Systems for a Tobacco-Free NY, and the Cancer Prevention in Action programs.

Through these programs, Health Promotion Center staff work collaboratively with school districts, businesses, communities, hospitals, and healthcare provider organizations to support healthy lifestyles for our patients and community members. Specific strategies focus on policy, systems, and environmental changes that reduce risks for chronic disease and improve quality of life for both children and adults.

Community Service Plan, Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Strategy

Glens Falls Hospital has worked to create healthier communities since its founding in 1897. As part of this ideal, numerous community health planning efforts are coordinated by the Health Promotion Center to communicate community benefit programs to respond to state and federal requirements and communicate community benefit programs to the public.

The Community Service Plan 2022 – 2024, which includes a three page executive summary, and a corresponding workplan table, is required by the NYS Department of Health. The Community Health Needs Assessment 2022 – 2024 and corresponding Implementation Strategy 2022 – 2024 address the requirements set forth by the Internal Revenue Service through the Affordable Care Act. An Executive Summary of the 2022 – 2024 Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Strategy is also available.

Previous versions are available here:

2019 – 2021 Plans:

2016 – 2018 Plans:

2013 – 2015 Plans:

Please feel free to contact us and provide feedback on our Community Service Plan, Community Health Needs Assessment or Implementation Strategy.

Glens Falls Hospital partners with AHI to conduct regional planning and community health planning activities.  Healthy ADK is a regional population health and socio-economic indicators resource portal maintained by AHI in collaboration with community organizations and agencies. This site provides easy access to up-to-date community health data for numerous sectors including community members, business, community development, government, educators, community-based organizations, and health care professionals.

Contact us at for more information on the Health Promotion Center or to get involved in one of our initiatives!

Your Story is our Story - Glens Falls Hospital "The entire Snuggery staff acted promptly and professionally to keep us calm and safely deliver our baby girl, a mere 37 minutes after we arrived at the hospital. The level of care and attention we received both during the surgery and afterwards was remarkable." Carrie Zappone Wilton, NY