Glens Falls Hospital Announces GFH COVID-19 Support Fund

These are challenging and uncertain times for us all. If there is any silver lining in our current COVID-19 crisis, it is that we have been reminded of what is most important – our health, and the health of our family and friends. This spring, the Glens Falls Hospital Foundation is presenting an opportunity for donors to contribute directly to the hospital’s efforts to prepare for and provide frontline defense against the COVID-19 threat through the GFH COVID-19 Support Fund.

Through this fund, donations will be directed toward the hospital’s highest priority needs during this challenging time.  As schools, businesses, and services have shuttered in recent weeks, the hospital has been coordinating with regional and state-wide organizations and officials to ramp up capacity for COVID-19 patients by purchasing additional supplies, food, equipment, and securing access to additional clinical staffing.  At the same time in response to government mandates and out of an abundance of caution, we have temporarily suspended some services which cannot be safely operated and postponed elective and non-urgent procedures and tests.  All of this comes at tremendous burden for the organization and its employees.

We understand that during these difficult times, many of us are having to make sacrifices and set priorities.  “We are deeply appreciative of the generosity our community has already demonstrated by donating meals and critical supplies which will help to care for frontline staff,” said Kate Herlihy Schwenker, Esq., Chair of the Foundation Board of Trustees. “We also invite our community to support our safety-net organization by making a gift to the GFH COVID-19 Support Fund.”

To make the contribution process simple, the Foundation is introducing a new text-to-give initiative.  It is as simple as texting “GFHSUPPORT” to 501-55.  From there a brief form will pop up to allow you to add your contact information and donation amount.   Additionally, you can also make a donation by visiting

Glens Falls Hospital is here through it all, in no small part, because of the generosity and support of our community.  We are here for you.  Thank you for being here for us!